Prof. Dr. Ioan Popa

Professor, Medical Doctor: Pediatrics, Clinical Genetics, Pediatric Cardiology,Metabolic And Nutritional Diseases
Curriculum Vitae
Personal details
- Date and place of birth: 17.11.1938, Hunedoara, Romanian
- Married: 2 children
- Graduate of Timisoara University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of General Medicine, Pediatric Department (1963)
Professional qualifications
- Consultant in pediatrics, cardiology, medical genetics, diabetes and metabolic medicine
Current position
- Head of Pediatric II Clinic, Timisoara University of Medicine and Pharmacy
- National Coordinator of the governmental CF programme
Memberships and Awards
- Phylosophy doctor in medicine with the thesis, "Obesity in children- clinical, biological, hystochemical and ultrastructural study”;
- Membre of national scientific societies: Pediatric Romanian Society, Romanian Academy of Scientists, Romanian Association of Mucoviscidosis, (founding member and president), Romanian Society of Medical Genetics (founding member), Romanian Society of Cardiology (founding member)
- Member of international scientific societies: full member of Balcanic Medical Union, European Association for Study of Obesity; European Cystic Fibrosis Society (founding member), European Society of Human Genetics, active member of New – York Academy of Sciences;
- WHO expert in „Joint WHO/ICF(M)A Meeting on The Implementation of CF Services in Developing Countries”, Manama, Bahrain, 18-19 XI 1995;
- Nominalisations: included in the XII-th Edition of Who¢ s Who of Intelectuals and the XXV-th Edition of “ Dictionary of International Biography” (1997); International Man of the Year for 1997/1998; International Man of the Year for 1999/2000; International Man of the Millenium (1999); Selected by IBC for „ Dictionary of International Biography 25th Aniversary Edition”;(1999); Nominalisation for American Biographical Institute (1999); Nominalisation for International Biographical Centre Cambridge (2000); Selected by Marquis Who¢s Who to be included in “ The new 18th Edition of Who¢s Who in The World”
- 2003: The price „Daniel Danielopolu” of Romanian Academy for the monograph „Child obesity and the adipous tissue” (no 8/3, Bucharest, 19 XII 2003)
Scientific papers
- papers on the following topics: mucoviscidosis, nutrional and metabolic diseases in childhood (obesity, diabetes mellitus, malnutrition), pediatric cardiology, medical genetics.
Director of national grants
- Identification of genetic structure in children with mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis) in Romania and assessment of treatment with recombinated human Dezoxiribonucleasis (code 15.8 / 1997-1998)
- Complex epidemiologic and genetic study in in children with mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis) in România (code 126 / 1997)
- Progresive screening study for an early diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis (code 44 / 1999; 1087 / 2000; 4.18/2001)
- Elaborate study on genetic, metabolic and nutrional diseases with populational impact in children (cod 384 / 2002)
- Pilot study for the identification and analysis of mutations and genetic structure in children with mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis) in Romania (cod 1188 / 2004-2006)
Director of the research centre
- Research Centre connected to Pediatric II Department, Timi?oara University of Medicine and Pharmacy - „Centre of Genetic, Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases in Children” (accredited by the Ministry of Education and Research – National Council of Postgraduate Research -CNCSIS)– Certification no. 96 / CC-C, Bucure?ti, 11 V 2001).
Organizer of scientific events
- 1996: Organizing the international course “Psysiotherapy in Cystic Fibrosis” for Eastern European countries under the high patronage of ICF(M)A, now called CFW (Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide) Timi?oara, 23 – 28. of November.
- 2003: Organizing the First National Congress of Mucoviscidosis (Cystic Fibrosis) with International Participation under the patronage of ICF(M)A, Timi?oara 7-9 May; with speakers from England, Bulgaria, Holland and Sweden.
Books and Monographs (related to the project topic)
- Mucoviscidosis in children: Alexandru E., Popa I., Bugarin O.- Medical Press, Bucharest,1976
- Aspects of mucoviscidosis in adults, Popa I., Pop L, chapter in Updates in Internal Medicine (coordinated by Gluhovschi Gh), Helicon Press, Timi?oara, 1993, pp. 486-509
- Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis): Popa I., Pop L., Zagorca Popa, Romanian Medical Life Press, Bucharest, 1998.
- Mucoviscidosis (Cystic Fibrosis), Ioan Popa, Liviu Pop, chapter in Romanian Textbook of Pediatrics – (coordinated by Ciofu E, Ciofu C), Medical Press, 2001, pp. 1388 – 1404.
- Physiotherapy in mucoviscidosis (cystic fibrosis): Zagorca Popa, Liviu Pop (coordinated by Popa I), Mirton Press, Timi?oara, 2003.
Member of editorial board
- Timisoara Medical Journal
- Romanian Pediatric Review
- Device and methode for performance of sweat test. Innovation certificate no.447/14 X 1986” (authors: Prof. Dr. Ioan Popa, technician Olah Beniamin)
Timi?oara, July 2007