Dr. E. Rietschel
Cystic Fibrosis Center Cologne, University Hospital
Curriculum vitae
- 1975–1976 Study of Medicine at University of Brusselles/Belgium
- 1976–1981 Study of Medicine at University of Marburg/Germany
- 1981–1982 Study of Medicine at University of Zurich/Switzerland
- 1982 Residency in Hematology/Oncology, Hospital Neunkirchen/Germany
- 1982–1983 Military Service as medical doctor
- 1983–1988 Residency in Pediatrics at Children´s Hospital, University of Marburg
- 1988 Work as Pediatrician in the Philippines („Doctors for the Third World”)
- 1989–1990 Fellowship Pediatric Pulmonoloy, Allergology and Cystic Fibrosis Children´s Hospital University of Cologne
- Since 1990 Consultant for Pediatric Pulmonolgy, Allergology and Cystic Fibrosis
- Since 1994 Chairman of „Westdeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pädiatrische Pneumologie und Allergologie” (WAPPA)
- Since 2001 Chairman of „Pädiatrische Allergologie und Umweltmedizin” (GPA)
Member of
- Society for Pediatric Pulmonology (GPP)
- Society for Pediatric Allergology and Environmental Medicine (GPA)
- German Society of Pneumology
- Society of Research for Pneumology and Respiration
- European Respiratory Society (ERS)
- European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS)
- European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)
- Bronchial Inflammation
Clinical Studies
- Bronchiolar Lavage for the Evaluation of Antiinflammatory Treatment
- Gluthatione in CF
- Anti-Elastase in CF
- a1-Antithrypsin in CF
- Leukotrien-Receptor-Antagonist (LTBIV)-Study in CF
- Colistin Kinetic Study in CF Patients
- Colistin Powder Study in CF
- ELITE (Early Inhaled Tobramycin for Eradication) in CF
- Tobramycin Inhalation Powder in CF
- Galileo vibration-a new therapeutic approach to improve muscle function
- Study of Genotropin in CF
- CF-associated Diabetes mellitus