A newsletter about ECORN-CF was published regularly during the project period (May 1, 2007 until April 30, 2010).
ECORN-CF Newsletter Issue 8 April 2010.pdf148 K
ECORN-CF Newsletter Issue 7 February 2010.pdf118 K
ECORN-CF Newsletter Issue 6 December 2009.pdf473 K
ECORN-CF Newsletter Issue 5 September 2009.pdf266 K
ECORN-CF Newsletter Issue 4 March 2009.pdf121 K
ECORN-CF newsletter issue 3.pdf239 K
ECORN-CF newsletter issue 2.pdf3.9 M
ECORN-CF newsletter issue 1.pdf867 K
In addition to our more extended newsletter we also started to send out a one page mini newsletter called "ECORN-CF Snippets" to the recipients of the regular newsletter (if you only want to receive either the newsletter or the Snippets please let us know).
If you wish to be added to the distribution list please send us a short note to: info (at)