Prof Dr Marijke Proesmans

Professional Experience

  • From Sept 2001: Part-time Lecturer at the University of Leuven, Belgium
  • From Aug 2000: Consultant Pediatric Pulmonology,
    Pediatric Departement - University Hospital Gasthuisberg Leuven, Belgium
  • Aug 1999–July 2000: Supervisor Pediatric Pulmonology,
    Pediatric Departement - University Hospital Gasthuisberg Leuven, Belgium
  • April 1999–July 1999: Registrar Pediatric Pulmonology (supervisor Professor Dr. C. De Boeck),
    Pediatric Departement - University Hospital Gasthuisberg Leuven, Belgium
  • Sept 1998–March 1999: Registrar Pediatric Pulmonology (supervisor Dr. R. Dinwiddie),
    Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children, London, UK
  • August 1998: Initiation in flexible Bronchoscopy,
    Pediatric Departement - University Hospital Gasthuisberg Leuven, Belgium
  • Jan 1997–July 1998: Fulltime Pediatric Residency,
    Pediatric Departement - University Hospital Gasthuisberg Leuven, Belgium
  • January 1997: PhD Thesis in medical sciences "Development of lactotrophs in the rat: influence of neutrophins, estrogens and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone".
  • Oct 1992–Dec 1996: Doctoral student (supervisor Professor Dr. C. Denef),
    Laboratory of Cell-Pharmacology - University of Leuven, Belgium,
    Research on the pre- and postnatal differentiation of rat pituitary.
  • Research Fellowship Immunology: Candidate of the National Foundation for Scientific Research.


  • Oct 1985–June 1992 Faculty of Medicine - University of Leuven, Belgium
  • 1st candidate: with great honour
  • 2nd candidate: with highest honour
  • 3rd candidate: with highest honour
  • 1st doctorate: with great honour
  • 2nd doctorate: with highest honour
  • 3rd doctorate: with great honour
  • 4th doctorate: Doctor of Medicine with highest honour
  • Sept 1979–June 1985 High School Heilig-Hartinstituut Heverlee, Belgium,
    Major in Latin and Sciences


  • Dutch - native language
  • English - excellent
  • French - excellent
  • German - basic knowledge

International Publications   

  • Vertical vascular ring around right mainstem bronchus. Bethuyne N, Proesmans M, Daenen W, Gewillig M. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2007(May); 31(5):935-5.
  • Laboratory diagnosis of specific antibody deficiency to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide antigens. Jeurissen A, Moens L, Raes M, Wuyts G, Willebrords L, Sauer K, Proesmans M, Ceuppens JL, De Boeck K, Bossuyt X. Clin Chem. 2007(March);53: 505-10.
  • Coexistence of (partial) immune defects and risk of recurrent respiratory infections. Bossuyt X, Moens L, Van Hoeyveld E, Jeurissen A, Bogaert G, Suaer K, Proesmans M, Raes M, De Boeck K. Clin Chem. 2007(Jan);53:124-30.
  • Isolated IgG3 deficiency in children: to treat or not to treat? Case presentation and review of the literature. Meyts I , Bossuyt X, Proesmans M, De Boeck K. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2006 Nov;17(7):544-50.
  • Do inhaled corticosteroids impair long-term growth in prepubertal cystic fibrosis patients? De Boeck K, De Baets F, Malfroot A, Desager K, Mouchet F and Proesmans M. Eur J Pediatr. 2007(Jan);166(1):23-8.
  • Evaluating the "Leeds criteria" for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in a cystic fibrosis centre. Proesmans M, Balinska-Miskiewicz W, Dupont L, Bossuyt X, Verhaegen J, Hoiby N, de Boeck K. Eur Respir J. 2006(May);27(5):937-43.
  • Assessment of agreement between parents and children on health-related quality of life in children with cystic fibrosis. Havermans T, Vreys M, Proesmans M, De Boeck C. Child Care Health Dev. 2006 Jan;32(1):1-7.
  • Massive lung collapse with partial resolution after several years: a case report. Govaere E, Van Raemdonck D, Devlieger H, Smet MH, Verbeken E, Proesmans M, De Boeck K. BMC Pediatr 2005(Oct);5:39.
  • Invasive pneumococcal disease epidemiology in Belgian children: passive surveillance is not enough. Vergison A, Tuerlinckx, Verhaegen J, Malfroot A for the Belgian IPD study group. Pediatrics. 2006(Sep);118(3):e801-9.
  • Mucociliary transport using 99mTc-albumin colloid: a reliable screening test for primary ciliary dyskinesia. De Boeck K, Proesmans M, Mortelmans L, Van Billoen B, Willems T, Jorissen M. Thorax. 2005 (May);60(5):414-7.
  • Determination of IgG subclasses: a need for standardization. Bossuyt X, Marien G, Meyts I, Proesmans M, De Boeck K. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005(April);115:872-4.
  • Pancreatitis among patients with cystic fibrosis: correlation with pancreatic status and genotype. De Boeck K, Weren M, Proesmans M, Kerem E. Pediatrics. 2005(April);115:436-9.
  • Clericuzio type poikiloderma with neutropenia is distinct >from Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. Van Hove JL, Jaeken J, Proesmans M, De Boeck KD, Minner K, Matthijs G, Verbeken E, Demunter A, Boogaerts M. Am J Med Genet A. 2005(Jan)15;132:152-8.
  • Variability of fecal pancreatic elastase measurements in cystic fibrosis patients. Meyts I, Wuyts W, Proesmans M, De Boeck K. J Cyst Fibros. 2002(Dec);1(4) 265-8.
  • A 1-year old girl with fever and a unilateral swelling of the jaw. de Jong B, Vander Poorten V, Smet M, Hermans R, Proesmans M, De Boeck K. Eur J Pediatr. 2004(Mar);163(3):179-80.
  • Omeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor, improves residual steatorrhoea in cystic fibrosis patients treated with high dose pancreatic enzymes. Proesmans M, De Boeck K. Eur J Pediatr. 2003(Nov);162(11):760-3.
  • Exhaled nitric oxide corresponds with office evaluation of asthma control. Meyts I, Proesmans M, De Boeck K. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2003(Oct);36(4):283-9.
  • Unusual and severe disease course in a child with ataxia-telangiectasia. Meyts I, Weemaes C, De Wolf-Peeters C, Proesmans M, Renard M, Uyttebroeck A, De Boeck K. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2003(Aug); 14(4):330-3.
  • Tidal off-line exhaled nitric oxide measurements in a pre-school population. Meyts I, Proesmans M, Van Gerven V, Hoppenbrouwers K, De Boeck K. Eur J Pediatr. 2003(Jul);162(7-8):506-10.
  • Evaluation of the immune response to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides. Jeurissen A, Boudewijns M, Proesmans M, Ceuppens JL, de Boeck C, Bossuyt X. Acta Clin Belgica 2003(Mar-Apr);58:106-10.
  • Pediatric emergencies: thoracic emergencies. Breysem L, Loyen S, Boets A, Proesmans M, De Boeck K, Smet MH. Eur Radiol. 2002;12:49-65.
  • Evaluation of dietary fiber intake in Belgian children with cystic fibrosis: is there a link with gastro-intestinal complaints? Proesmans M and De Boeck K. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2002(Nov);35:610- 14.
  • Variability of fecal pancreatic elastase measurements in cystic fibrosis patients. Meyts I, Wuyts W, Proesmans M and De Boeck K. Journal of Cyst Fibros. 2002;1:265-8.
  • Neonatal transthoracic puncture in a case of congenital cystic adenomatoid lung. Allegaert K, Proesmans M, Naulaers G, Moerman P, Lerut T, Devlieger H. J Ped Surg. 2002;37(10):1495-7.
  • Failure of local defense mechanisms in cystic fibrosis. Proesmans M, De Boeck K. Acta oto-rhino-laryngologica belgica 2000, 54.
  • Evaluation of the correct use of a MDI with spacer in todlers with asthma.
  • Proesmans M, Warnier G, De Boeck K. Abstract in European Respiratory Journal, vol 14 suppl 30 P1269.
  • Presence of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) mRNA in Rathke's Pouch and effect of the  GnRH antagonist ORG 30276 on lactotroph development in vitro. Van Bael  A, Seuntjens E, Proesmans M,  Denef C.   Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 1998;10:437-445.
  • Expression of the low affinity p75 nerve growth factor receptor in the developing rat pituitary gland. Ramaekers D, Proesmans M, Denef C. Neurochemical research. 1997;22:1353-7.
  • Mitogenic effects of nerve growth factor on different cell types in reaggregate cell cultures of  immature rat pituitary. Proesmans M, Van Bael A, Andries M, Denef, C.  Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 1997;134:119-127.
  • Interactions of LHRH with growth hormone-releasing factor-dependent and -independent postnatal development of somatotrophs in rat pituitary cell aggregates. Van Bael A, Proesmans M, Tilemans D, Denef C. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 1995;14:91-100.
  • Interaction of GRF and LHRH in the postnatal development of somatotrophs in rat pituitary cell aggregates. Proesmans M, Van Bael A, Denef C. Neuroendocrinology. 1994;60:p56-P2.59.

National Publications

  • Koorts zonder focus: het therapieschema getoetst aan de praktijk. Oosterlynck C, Proesmans M, De Boeck K. Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde: aanvaard voor publicatie.
  • Astma en het kind. Gids voor de clinicus. Hoofdredacteur Raes M. Belgische kring kinderlongartsen. Hoofdstuk astma medicatie. Proesmans M, De Boeck K.
  • Een kleuter met alveolaire proteinose. Sevenants L, Van Daele S, Proesmans M, De Baets F, Van Raemdonck D, De Boeck K. Tijdschrift van de Belgische kinderarts. Vol 5, 2003 nr 4. p306.Twins with umbilical piercing persistent fever and lympadenopathies. Proesmans M, Meyts I, Woestyn S, De Boeck K. Tijdschrift van de Belgische kinderarts. Vol 5, 2003 nr 4. p303.
  • Niet al wie piept heeft astma: trechtervormige trachea en tracheale bronchus bij een 11-jarige. Meyts I, Raes M, Proesmans M, De Boeck K.  Tijdschrift van de Belgische kinderarts. Vol 5 2003 nr 1 p 57.
  • Zeldzame oorzaken van stridor en heesheid bij zuigelingen. Govaere E, Wellens W, Vanderwegen J, Proesmans M, De Boeck K. Tijdschrift van de Belgische kinderarts. Vol 5 2003 nr 1 p47.
  • Stridor bij het kind. Proesmans M. Tijdschrift van de Belgische kinderarts. Vol 5 2003 nr 1 p41.
  • Tuberculeuse meningitis bij allochtoon kind. Meyts I, Proesmans M, De Boeck K. Tijdscht Geneesk. 2000.
  • Inhalatietherapie bij kinderen. Warnier G, Proesmans M, De Boeck K.  Tijdschr Geneesk. 2000.
  • Astma therapieconsensus. Proesmans M, De Boeck K. Tijdschr Geneesk. 2000.
  • De epidemiologie van astma bij het jonge kind. Proesmans M, De Boeck K.  Tijdschr Geneesk. 2000.
  • Screening voor mucoviscidose, is de tijd rijp? Proesmans M. Overzichtsartikel. Mini-acta Belgica 1999.
  • Mucoviscidose, een handboek voor ouders en zorgenverstrekkers. Proesmans M (co-author). Publisher: Acco Leuven.
  • Gebruik van spacers in de behandeling van jonge kinderen met astma. Proesmans M. Percentiel 1996, Vol 1 Nr 2.


international and national scientific meetings   

  • Accreditation group of Pediatricians. Region Flemish Brabant, March 2007. Asthma treatment in children: the year 2006 in review.
  • Asthma en allergy forum. Kortrijk, November 2006. Epidemiology of asthma in children.
  • Joint meeting of the Belgian Association for Pediatric Pulmonology and the Belgian Association for Otorhinolaryngology. Genval, October 2006. Stridor in children.
  • Pharmaleuven (postgraduate teaching for pharmacists). Leuven, October 10, 2006. Pediatric Pulmonology capita selecta.
  • Postgraduate education for general medicine. Region Westerlo, October 5, 2006. Sense and non-sense of using antibiotics in treating airway infections in children.
  • Flemish academy of Pediatric Pulmonology. Inter-university postgraduate teaching. September 21, 2006. Pleuropneumonia.
  • Accreditation Group of Pediatricians, Region Gent, March 7, 2006. Montelukast and childhood asthma.
  • Annual conference of the Pediatric Department of the University Hospital Leuven. May, 2006. Montelukast: an update. Pediatric consensus workgroup on wheezing below the age of 6 years. Loreninge, January 2006. Prognosis of childhood wheeze.
  • Postgraduate education of the department of pharmacology. University of Leuven, October 2005. Pneumococcal vaccines.
  • Annual conference of the Belgian Society of Pediatricians.  Jodoigne, March 2005. Respiratory problems after surgically corrected oesophageal atresie.
  • Yearly symposium Thoracic Surgery. University Hospital Leuven, November 2005. Pleuropneumonia in children: epidemiology.
  • Flemish academy of Pediatric Pulmonology. Inter-university postgraduate teaching. October 28, 2004. IgG subclass deficiencies.
  • National symposium Cystic Fibrosis. Leuven, November 18, 2004. Specific Pseudomonas antibodies: a valid tool?
  • Pediatric Symposium. Mol, September 25, 2004. Pneumococcal infections: is vaccination useful?
  • Child and Family yearly conference. Edegem, 2004. Asthma phenotypes.
  • Annual conference of the Pediatric Department of the University Hospital Leuven. 2004. Case report: an asymmetrical lung auscultation.
  • Pentalfa inter-university interactive education. November 2003. Pneumococcal vaccination.
  • European conference of Cystic Fibrosis. Belfast, June 2003. Poster presentation: Weighed 3 day food records in children with cystic fibrosis and healthy controls: are the calculations of mean daily intake reproducible? Proesmans M, De Boeck K, Vanharen L.
  • Annual conference of the Pediatric Department of the University Hospital Leuven. 2003. Case report: scoliosis with lung atelectasis.
  • Accreditation Group of Pediatricians. Region Aalst, November 2002. Oosterlynck C, Proesmans M, De Boeck K., Asthma in young children.
  • National Symposium Cystic Fibrosis. Leuven, November 11, 2002. Improving residual fat absorption by blocking acid secretion.
  • Postgraduate inter-university teaching for the Faculty of Dentistry. December 2002. Asthma and other  respiratory diseases in children.
  • Flemish academy of Pediatric Pulmonology. Inter-university postgraduate teaching. Leuven, October 2002. The use of inhaled steroids for the treatment of infant wheeze.
  • National Symposium Cystic Fibrosis. November 11, 2002. Improving residual fat absorption by blocking acid secretion.
  • European conference of cystic fibrosis. Genua, June 2002. Poster presentation: Complications with indwelling catheters in CF patients followed at the university hospital Leuven, Belgium. Proesmans M, Boulange L, De Boeck K.
  • Annual conference of the Pediatric Department of the University Hospital Leuven. 2002. Pneumococcal infection and the conjugated vaccine.
  • Symposium New insights in Pediatric Pulmonology. Brugge, October 20, 2001. Conjugated pneumococcal vaccine: Who and why?
  • American Thoracic Society. San Francisco, May 2001. Teaching correct turbohaler use in young children. Poster presentation. De Boeck K, Warnier G, Proesmans M. 
  • The Royal Belgian Society for Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery. ENT perspectives for the third millennium. Spa, September 29, 2001.  Satellite conference: Cystic fibrosis: overview of clinic and presentation.
  • Annual conference of the Pediatric Department of the University Hospital Leuven. 2001. Two case-reports. Oral presentation: multidisciplinary care for cystic fibrosis patients.
  • Postgraduate course in pediatrics. Catholic University Kortrijk. November and December, 2000. Treatment of acute asthma. Pneumococcal infections. Treatment of bacterial meningitis.
  • Annual conference of the Belgian association for Otorhinolaryngology. Roeselare, October 2000. Local defence mechanisms in cystic fibrosis.
  • 23rd European cystic fibrosis conference. Stockholm, June 2000. Oral presentation: Burkholderia cepacia in the Belgian Cystic Fibrosis population.
  • Penthalfa, interactive education University Leuven.March 23, 2000. The epidemiology of pediatric asthma.
  • Pediatric Pulmonology Society. February 3, 2000. Cystic fibrosis and difficult diagnosis: about a few cases.
  • Annual conference of the General medicine Department of the University Hospital Leuven. December 1999. Long-acting beta 2 agonists and asthma treatment in children. Workshops on asthma in the young child.
  • National Symposium Cystic Fibrosis.  November 1999. Neonatal Screening for Cystic Fibrosis: Is the time right?
  • Annual Meeting of the European Respiratory Society. Madrid (Spain),  September13, 1999. Posterpresentation: Evaluation of the correct use of a MDI with spacer in todlers with asthma. Proesmans M, Warnier G, De Boeck K.
  • Annual conference of the Pediatric Department of the University Hospital Leuven. June 1999. Oral presentation: Asthma and inhalation therapy.
  • 23rd European Cystic Fibrosis Conference. The Hague (The Netherlands), June 1999. Posterpresentation: Uptake and acceptability of prenatal diagnosis in cystic fibrosis families: a survey.
  • Annual conference of the Belgian Society of Pediatricians. Terhulpen, March 20-21, 1998. Oral presentation: the sweat test as a diagnostic tool for Cystic Fibrosis.
  • Annual conference of the Belgian Society of Pediatricians.  Terhulpen, March 14-15, 1997. Oral presentation: About neurotrophins and lactotrophs.
  • 7th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association. Jerusalem (Israel), October 21-25, 1995. Oral presentation: Neurotrophins and the differentiation of lactotrophs in the rat pituitary.