Konstantinos D. Katsoulakis
Physiotherapist, Physiotherapy Dept. Children’s Hospital "Aghia Sofia", Athens, Greece
- 1991–1995: Graduate of Physiotherapy Dept, Athens Technological Educational Institue
- 7/1995–1/1997: Military Service in the Physiotherapy Dept, 401 Athens Military Hospital
- 1/1997–9/1997: Rehabilitation Center, Athens
- 9/1997–1/1999: M.Sc in Neurorehabilitation, Brunel University, London, UK
- 10/1998–12/2001: Part time Lecturer, Physiotherapy Dept, Lamia Technological Educational Institute
- 12/2001–Today: Physiotherapy Department, Children’s Hospital "Aghia Sofia", Athens, Greece
- 2/2004–7/2005: Part time Lecturer, Physiotherapy Dept, Patras Technological Educational Institute