Lisa Kent, PhD
Present appointment
- Research Physiotherapist, NICRN – Respiratory Health, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (20 hours/week, 15th June 2010 – Present)
- ECFS-CTN project co-ordinator, University of Ulster (17.5hours/week, 1st Oct 2010 – present)
- BSc Hons Physiotherapy University of Ulster [2001-2005]
- PhD University of Ulster [2006-2010]
Professional registration
- 2005 - Present Member Chartered Society of Physiotherapy [No: 74349]
- 2005 – Present Member Health Professions Council [PH 73670]
Previous and other appointments
- Research Physiotherapist, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Research Institute, University of Ulster, March 2010 to June 2010
- PhD Student, Title: The LifeShirt: Evaluation of its use during exercise tests in cystic fibrosis. September 2006 to March 2010
- Physiotherapist (1/5 Clinical: 4/5 Research), Adult CF Centre/ Respiratory Research Belfast City Hospital, February 2006 to September 2006
- Research Physiotherapist, University of Ulster, June 2005 to February 2006
Research and Clinical Experience
My main area of interest is respiratory disease and I have a special interest in CF, bronchiectasis and exercise physiology. I work in both a research and a clinical capacity in the Adult CF Centre, Belfast. Currently I am lead study coordinator for 3 multi-centre trials in CF, one multi-centre trial in bronchiectasis and I am involved in other trials within the NICRN – Respiratory Health portfolio. I have also been involved in local trials investigating novel physiotherapy treatments and outcome measures in patients with cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis and COPD, and also in healthy volunteers.
In my clinical role I provide specialist physiotherapy care to patients with CF including assessment of signs and symptoms, review of treatments, education on nebulised therapies, exercise and posture advice, and airway clearance treatments. I am involved in the CF weekend and emergency on-call service.
My role as project co-ordinator for the ECFS-CTN involves co-ordinating activities of the Standardisation Committee. This committee has been set up to evaluate and standardise the methods of performing outcome measures in clinical trials in CF.
Education and Training
- 2006 to 2010 Research Methods in Human Sciences (PhD)
- Jan 2010 GCP Training Belfast City Hospital
- 2006 to 2010 Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Research Institute Seminar Series
- 2006 to 2010 University of Ulster Research Graduate School Generic Skills Training
- 2005 to present European CF Conference
- 2005 to present North American CF Conference
Relevant publications
- Patterson JE, Hewitt O, Kent L, Bradbury I, Elborn JS, Bradley JM. Acapella versus “usual airway clearance” during acute exacerbation in bronchiectasis: a randomised crossover trial. Chronic Respiratory Disease 2007, 4(2): 67-74
- Kent L, Bradley JM, France M, Döring G, Carryn S, Bradbury I, Rendall J, Jones A, Elborn JS. Efficacy of Temocillin in CF: a retrospective pilot study. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2008; 7(6): 551-554
- Kent L, O’Neill B, Davison G, Nevill A, Elborn JS, Bradley JM. Validity and reliability of cardiorespiratory measurements recorded by the LifeShirt during exercise tests. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology 2009; 167: 162-167
- Bradley J, Kent L, O’Neill B, Nevill A, Boyle L, Elborn JS. Cardiorespiratory measurements during field tests in CF: Use of an ambulatory monitoring system. Pediatric Pulmonology 2001; 46(3): 253-260
- Bradley J, Kent L, Elborn JS, O’Neill B. Motion sensors for monitoring physical activity in cystic fibrosis: what is the next step? Physical Therapy Reviews, in press