Dr Michèle Gérardin
Pediatrician in Robert Debré hospital in Paris
Training in pediatrics, then specialization in cystic fibrosis in the department of gastroenterology, nutrition and cystic fibrosis , inside Robert Debré hospital, since 1999.
Since the setting up of the cystic fibrosis centers (CRCM) in 2002, activity in the CRCM of Robert Debré hospital (responsible : Dr Anne Munck).
Main occupations : follow up of patients with cystic fibrosis (in patients and out patients), neonatal screening, preparation for transplantation, transition from pediatric to adult center. Involved in research medical protocols, as investigator.
Responsible for therapeutic education program in the CRCM Robert Debré, in collaboration with the therapeutic education center of the hospital, and with the national working group “therapeutic education and cystic fibrosis”.
Since 2005, participation in the Géthem ( working group “therapeutic education and cystic fibrosis”).