Charlotte Lacarrière

Physiotherapist, CF Adults Center, Hôpital Cochin (Paris)
Since 2010 at CF Adults Center, Hôpital Cochin (Paris):
- Consultant for "Therapeutic Patient Education" in the Adults CF Center
- Participation in "CF Therapeutic Patient Education Group (GETHEM)"
- Board member of the French CF Society (SFM)
- Trainer for the respiratory physiotherapy university degree
- Conducting surveys:
- Physiotherapy practice in CF patients of the CF Adults Center of Cochin (2011)
- Urinary incontinence in CF patients (2012)
August 2009 - December 2009: Courbevoie-Neuilly Hospital, functional rehabilitation service
January 2007 - July 2009: independent practice (Paris) ; participation in bronchiolitis network
September 2003 - December 2006: Necker Children's Hospital (Paris)
July 2002 - August 2003: independent practices
- 2013: Graduate in "Therapeutic Patient Education" (IPCEM)
- 2011: Therapeutic Patient Education: CF and adolescence
- 2008: Pediatric Emergency Gestures (Robert Debré Hospital),
Lymphatic drainage and breast cancer (National Institute of Physiotherapy) - 2006: Lymphatic drainage (French Association of Physiotherapists, Massage for Research and Treatment of Lymphatic Invasion venous),
Participation in the survey "Bronkinou",
Support for avian flu - 2004: Alveolar Hypoventilation (Pr Soudon, Bruxelles)
- 2003: University Degree in Respiratory Physiotherapy in Pediatrics and Neonatology (Mr Fausser),
Training in Uro-Gynecological Rehabilitation (Mrs. Souffire) - 1998-2002: School of physiotherapy (EFOM)