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hypersensitivity pneumonitis

Hi can someone please help i am 35 years old and very sic i have been diagnosed with hypersensitivity pneumonitis and we dont seem to have the right medication here in australia for my condition .I dont know waht else to do thanks
Dear questioner, please notify that this is a website for patients suffering from Cystic Fibrosis (CF). From your question we cannot draw the conclusion, if you are suffering from CF. When suffering from CF, there also exist an allergic reaction to fungus spores; this is called “ABPA: allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis”. You find a lot of information about this in the Central English Archive of the ECORN-CF website under “Topics” and “ABPA”.
The hypersensitivity pneumonitis you are mentioning, is an illness that occurs independently of CF. It is a hyperreaction of the immune system to many different inhalative antigens: avium proteins, Cephalosporium, Aspergillus, Bacillus etc…This kind of illness has to be diagnosed and treated by a specialist for pulmonology, unfortunately we can give only general advice, but cannot give any concrete therapeutical advice via the internet.
Best regards,
Dr. Daniela d’Alquen (coordinator of the Central English Archive of ECORN-CF)