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CF contact with chest infected person

I wouild like to know if a CF carrier with lung infection can safely spend two weeks in a camping tent in a hot climate with a CF child.

Some of the lung infection symptoms we know about are persistent cough, short of breath, weight loss, overall weakness and a past history of pneumonia and been on a holiday in Southeast Asia a couple of years ago.

The person is currently taking antibiotics whilst doing some test to establish what is the source of the problem. Sorry about the vagueness, but that is all what we are told so far. Please advise

Thank you
Dear Questioner
Thank you for submitting your question to our website. It is difficult to give definite advice on your concerns without more information. It would be useful for you to know what other tests have been done for the person who carries a CF mutation. For example are they undergoing extended screening for possible rare CF mutations? Have they had any sputum culture tests performed and does their sputum contain any micro-organisms that could be transmitted to a person with CF (for example pseudomonas aeruginosa)? A conversation with the CF Team might alleviate some of your concerns and might also provide some other advice specific to the child who has CF.
There are other issues with regards travel when you have CF. When visiting hot countries there is a risk of salt depletion and dehydration. It is also important for patients with CF to speak to their CF team about which medications are essential to take. This is especially true for medications that need refrigerated and nebulised. Sometimes they can suggest alternates. Also, it may be useful to bring oral antibiotics in case of an infection while away from home. They might also put you in contact with the nearest CF centre while you are away.

Please talk to the CF Team with regards advice for your specific case. Additionally, the following document contains some advice for people travelling with CF that you might find useful.

Best wishes,
Lisa Kent and Judy Bradley, Belfast
The answer is edited by: PhD Lisa Kent