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- Question
- I have a CF patient, 18 year old, who has Pansinusitis and only Streptococcus agalactiae in right and left sinus, do you know if this Streptococcus is pathogenic for this patients and is it necessary treat them?
- Answer
- Hello
Thank you for this question. This is an unusual Streptococcus infection which may be in part the cause of the sinus infection. Often micro-aerophilic strep can also be found in the lung. It can be treated with appropriate antibiotics- I would suggest Augmentin or would be directed by antimicrobial sensitivity testing. There are no European guidelines to guide treatment however a paper from our own group may be useful. Tunney MM, Field TR, Moriarty TF, Patrick S, Doering G, Muhlebach MS, Wolfgang MC, Boucher R, Gilpin DF, McDowell A, Elborn JS. Detection of anaerobic bacteria in high numbers in sputum from patients with cystic fibrosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2008; 177 (9): 995-1001.
I hope this information helps
Prof Elborn
- 01.08.2008
- The answer is edited by: Prof Stuart Elborn