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House building with clay


We have a son (4 years, CF) and like to build a house because we had mould in the kitchen of our rented apartment several times. We would like to build a house made out of clay or rather clay building boards.
Can this be recommended for CF individuals?

Greetings, Eva with Willi
Dear questioner,

We do not know a CF expert who has specific experiences concerning this question or who built a house with clay building boards him-/herself. Based on the information that we have gained from internet research, though, we would tend to recommend being careful because clay contains mould spores. Clay consists of many organic components which can actually serve mould as food (German source: ; then scroll down to „Weitere Themen“ and click on „Schimmel in der Wohnung…“). This source is given as an example for many others that can be found in the internet.

We hope that you find another, good solution for your housing situation.

Best regards,
Annette Pfalz on behalf of ECORN-CF