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Vaccination against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I feel sorry that the vaccine Aerugen (Berna) has not been marketed yet, although the vaccination was successful in CF patients.

Why it is not possible that grown-up CF patients decide for or against vaccination? Is this vaccine still available? How is the development of other potent vaccines in the near future?

Thank you for your attention.

Karin T.
Dear Mrs T.,

The Berna Vaccine is not available because the company has stopped the production after a negative phase III study. I do not see another vaccine development against Pseudomonas in the near future.

I hope, that this helps.

Reference: Döring G, Pier GB. Vaccines and Immunotherapy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Vaccine 2008;26:1011-24.

Prof. Dr. Gerd Döring