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Treatment after lung bleed

What are points to be observed after lung bleed?
First of all we advise you to read the question ‘where do lung bleeds come from’. Herein you will read that lung bleeds in CF occur because of the chronic and severe infection in the lungs. After the treatment of a lung bleed and thus also after embolisation (if this was done), it is important to prevent further lung bleeds. This can only be done by very intensive treatment of the chronic lung infection. This includes meticulous therapy with mucolytics and chest physiotherapy, intensive treatment of lung infection with antibiotics via aerosol, possibly via mouth and via IV and by checking if anti-inflammatory treatment with for instance azithromycine or other drugs is needed. Also the coagulation needs to be checked or a possible deficiency in vitamin K. Lung bleeds can reccur. Maximally controlling severe lung infection is mandatory.
Kind regards
K. De Boeck
2.12.2010 Please find more about lung bleeding in the Archive under topics--> lung (questions about haemoptysis/hemoptysis).
D. d'Alquen