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Oxygen supply during flight

Dear expert team,


Since my last flight I know that oxygen supply during the flight would be good to have and therefore I would like to know how and with which airlines and of course at which price oxygen supply can be applied for. Altogether I would like to know if there is a list of countries that have out patient clinics which can be contacted confidentially in case of emergency.

Thank you!


If you know where you want to travel to you can find out addresses of out patient clinics anytime by contacting the respective patient organization – either national or international. But as a first step it is important to decide where you want to go to. This is why it may not make sense to provide you with the address of the European association while you are thinking about South Africa. This also applies to the airlines as well and of course we do not know your habits at all. I fear there may be no way around your contacting one or several airlines asking them how this is handled.

On the homepage of the Muko e.V. ( you find detailed advice on the topic oxygen during flight under "Reisen mit Mukoviszidose von J. Hammermann". For non-German citizens reading this question and answer I will try to summarize the comments on oxygen during flight in a short version here: "In case you do need oxygen during the flight the airlines require an actual certification that flying is not endangering your health. You can either order the oxygen via the airline, the travel organization or you can bring it yourself (in that case not as liquid oxygen). The costs can differ a lot according to airline or travel organization, you have to contact the individual organzisations/airlines. Bringing oxygen by oneself is often cheaper, but has to be coordinated with the airline. "

I am sorry that this is not what one would call a specific answer but the more specific the question is, the more specific we can answer.

Best regards,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner