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contact with CF child

My youngest daughter has CF (1 year old). My oldest son does not have CF (3 years old). Is it in any way dangerous (meaning : he can transmit disease) if my non-CF son plays with another CF child (with cough and seemingly ill). Could it be that he transmits the bacteria and in this way could infect my CF daughter? Can you express the risk in a percentage if this is an extra danger?
Dear madam,

Thanks for your question. We can reassure you on this issue. There is no risk for your oldest son to acquire bacteria from a CF child. Some factors in CF make these children very vulnerable for specific infections. This is not the case in healthy persons. Your oldest son can play with all type of other children. By this he will not transmit bacteria with specific risk for CF patients once back at home.

Kind regards
Prof. K. De Boeck