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If a twin suffers from CF, is the other child also ill or can it be totally healthy?
In case of twins there are different possibilities of manifestation concerning the illness of CF. Monozygotic twins will always both be ill or will both be healthy, as they carry the identical genetic material. In case of dizygotic twins there are different possiblities of manifestation. In the one case, in both zygotes genetic material from mother and father comes together, that causes CF. Then both twins are ill. In the other case, in one zygote genetic material comes together, that causes CF, while in the second zygote healthy genetic material concerning CF from one or both partners come together. This child will then be healthy. In this case the child can be carrier for CF like its parents or it can also be free of carrierstate for CF.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt