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Pseudomonas stutzeri in the lung - request

Only a short comment to the article [Pseudomonas stutzeri in the lung from the 5.12.2010].
Dear expert team,
I do not know if I have skipped something. But here it seems to involve apparently not yet a known CF but "only" cough with the finding of Pseudomonas. Or do I got something wrong? Would it then not be important to look for CF and to initiate the respective diganostics?
Many thanks,
I am not sure who is posing the above question? Is that the questioner from the 5.12.2010? Or is it a third person?
At the answer of the question from the 5.12.2010 I really assumed that the questioner had a known CF. In case that should not be right, however, then the question can only be answered very generally due to missing information about the patient. The knowledge about the clinical condition, the results of the physical examination, a detailed medical history (questioning of the patient) and all further results form the diagnostic way. In case of chronic cough with the finding of Pseudomonas (especially Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the meaning of Pseudomonas stutzeri is rather unclear, as already mentioned in the answer to the first question) also a CF has to be taken into account. The performance of a sweat test would make sense in such a case.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Christina Smaczny