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My son, 11 years, has a chronic pseudomonas aeruginosa infection since 2010, but the last sputum culture revealed no Pseudomonas aeruginosa (he is treated every two months alternating colistin and tobi). He wants to do a summer camp, sailing on Lake Serre-Ponçon (Alpes), but the showers are fed by water from the lake and disinfecting showers is not possible because of aseptic tank
Should he still attend to this camp? Is there a risk ?
First, if your child was said to be chronically colonized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, it takes several negative sputum culture (2 to 3 consecutive) to assume that he is not anymore chronic carrier.
As for the showers at the sailing camp, you have quite well explained the situation and risks.
To avoid an aerosol of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a solution may be to remove the head of the shower (if possible) and take a shower with the hose reducing the risk of colonization by inhalation.
Bleach on the head of shower does not guarantee 100% against the risk of colonization but allows disinfection after use;

There is unfortunately no official hygiene recommendations outside a care facility to prevent colonization, including environmental germs such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Contamination is still possible even though hygiene conditions are met.
Parent, you remain the sole decision maker between a known and rare risk and a nice holiday for your son during his sailing camp.

Yann Kerneur