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Dear expert team,

we have the following question on behalf of our daughter (29 years old, CF): Her lungs have been colonized for several years with trichosporon, and she has been taking VFEND® (voriconazole) on and off for three years. Since the fungus is giving her a really hard time, she would like to know whether there are other options for medical treatment or still other things one could do to support the drugs in keeping the fungus at bay. Who has experience with the treatment of trichosporon?

Many thanks for your effort.

Trichosporon belongs to the yeast fungi, just like candida as well. The question is whether it is clinically relvant with your daughter. In how far is it getting to her? VFEND® (voriconazole) is actually a rather effective drug against trichosporon, but unfortunately the germ can survive and return even after treatment .

Your daughter should talk to her treating physician about whether it is really trichosporon that is affecting her or perhaps some other germ, and whether an on-and-off therapy with voriconazole makes sense long-term.

Kind regards,
Prof. Joachim Bargon
Additional information was given (25.04.2012):

"If it can be clarified that it is indeed the Trichosporon which causes your daughters problems, probably Noxafil 40mg/ml could come into question as a treatment, in case the treating physicians regard this to be sensible. "

Prof. Joachim Bargon