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Frequent cystitis

Dear team,
I would like to know, if the salty skin of my partner (CF) could be a reason for the frequent occurence of cystitis.
We are only together for 2.5 months, in this time I already had two times cystitis and one fungus in the vagina. As he is prohibited, we have sexual intercourse without condom.
Is it possible that the salt content of his skin of the penis irritates my intimal flora too much? Or can this totally be excluded? My gynecologist was not able to give me conclusive answers to this.
Many thanks for your help.
Dear questioner,
in general it is not untypical to tend to infections of the urinary tract in case of a new parternship, as it is the case with you, due to the frequent (sometimes in the beginning also excessive) sexual intercourse and therefore the contact to a strange skin flora. This phenomenon is known for a long time, in professional circles also called humorously "Honeymoon-cystitis".
The problems that you describe encounter us very often even in non-CF patients. It is important for women with such problems, to empty the bladder soon after the intercourse, as one can achieve a certain "washing away" of bacteria, that potentially have entered the urethra. Hygiene should be taken for granted for both partners. I do not think that the salty skin of your partner represents a problem, however we do recommend in case of vaginal fungi the co-treatment of the partner (resp. anti-fungal ointment).
I hope to have helped you with this.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Anja-Undine Stücker
21.3.11 Please see a similar question under Topics--general aspects--Privat life with additional information.
D. d'Alquen