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Paternity with MRSA

I (male, 34, CF with MRSA and Pseudomonas colonization) will be father of twins soon. What do I have to take especially into account after birth? Just concerning the MRSA I am a bit insecure if besides strict hygiene there has to be taken anything into account. I do not want to encounter my littles with a face mask all the time... How suceptible are newborns? Many thanks for your answer.
first of all, I assume that it has already been tried to get rid of your MRSA with an eradication therapy. In case an MRSA has been diagnosed, it should first be tried to eradicate it, which may unfortunately not always be successful. Probably samples of your wife have also been investigated to see if she also aquired the MRSA.
Independent of the underlying MRSA type the transmission can be reduced by following of hygienic measures. The strict adherence to hand hygiene/ washing of the hands is the most effective measure to prevent transmission. MRSA is transmitted primarly via direct contact, however also via surfaces and the air.
In your case I would recommend not to perform the breathing / and inhalation therapy in the same room with the children. Also the room should be ventilated well. The sputum should be disposed with regard to the children. Also towels and clothes should be changed frequently. In case of a pulmonary exacerbation with increased cough, the burden of the environment is of course higher, hygienic measures should be intensified. Healthy newborns are not endangered. You therefore do not have to wear a face mask. Also kissing, hugging and touching are posible.
In general, 20% of the population are carriers of Staphylococcus aureus and independent of the fact if this germ is resistant to certain antibiotics (then called MRSA=methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus), S. aureus can seldomly cause infections of newborns and babies (e.g. infections of the joints and skin). But this is a rare risk, that effects all newborns and babies as the germ is present in their environment. In your special case one should only be aware, that if your children get ill, it is important to point out at the physician that you have CF and are carrier of MRSA, to take all possible diagnoses into account and initiate the right therapy.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Helmut Ellemunter