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Swimming in lake

I'm an adult with cystic fibrosis 36 years and I'd like to know if swimming in the lake (freshwater more generally) is not recommended because it would involve risks of infection. Is it better to go "off" rather than at the edge where water is more stagnant?
It is always difficult to answer precisely questions of transmission of germs from the outside environment, especially health care facilities.
For the lakes, there is a French legislation controlling quality of bathing water (sea, fresh water ...)

It is advisable to inquire in the municipalities concerned and to avoid swimming in general in the reserves closed when the renewal of water is limited or virtually nonexistent.
Swimming in stagnant water is not recommended and it absolutely must not drink water from lakes, where the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is possible.
As for the question about the place of the lake at lower risk, there are no studies on this subject.

Unfortunately there is no official recommendation for hygiene outside a care facility to prevent colonization, including the seeds of the environment as Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We must find a balance between prudence and pleasure in social activities, cultural and sporting activities.

Yann Kerneur