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Research on Meveol®

I attended this weekend in Reims the annual General Assembly of Vaincre la Mucoviscidose.
In the presentation on advances in research, it has not been referred to the ongoing development of the drug Meveol® whose lab results were announced effective and promising against bacteria including Pseudomonas.
What can we expect from this molecule?
Thank you in advance
Several molecules have been identified as potentially effective against bacteria, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Meveol® (hypothiocyanite/Lactoferrin) is one of them. The Association "Vaincre la Mucoviscidose" helped the company carrying the project to identify the right partners to continue their investigations. In addition, the Association has collected the views of independent experts concerning the status of this research project. So we are following its evolution.

These molecules are currently at the stage of basic research or pre-clinical, and additional tests are needed before we can judge their real therapeutic potential, and, where appropriate, consider an initial clinical study. Indeed, the effectiveness of a molecule in the laboratory on bacterial cultures or animal models does not make much a treatment option, but an avenue to explore and confirm.
Franck Dufour (Scientific Director of Vaincre la mucoviscidose)