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Demolition of a house / asbestos

Dear expert team,
we have a 7-year-old son with CF. The direct neighbouring house from the 60ties, that is according to the statment of the neighbour himself very much asbestos-containing, should be demolished soon and a new house should be build. I know that the materials are disposed separately, but however I fear the demolition and I fear the dangers for my son. What could we do in order to protect him despite keeping him away there? Thanks for an answer!
in case of a planned demolition of your neighbouring house and an indeed presence of asbestos-containing building material one can assume, that asbestos fibers will be released. A theroretical danger is there for everyone, no only for your son with CF. In case of disposal of asbestos-contaminted materials, different safety precautions have to be taken into account. The building site has to be sealed off dustproof to the environment according to TRGS 519 (Germany: techniqual rule for dangerous substance: asbestos). In the interior zone there has to be an under-pressure during work. The working areas has to be entered and left only via a lock system. It is important, how much asbestos has been used in building the house. Used products with slightly bound asbestos have a higher content of fibers and can release those more easily (loose bond) and are therefore especially dangerous. The demolition and disposal should thereofore be done by a specialized company. In case of adherence to the mentioned conditions the danger for the environment is minimal. In any case your son should stay away from the construction area. Also the "normal" dust and fine dust load due to demolition of a house is already a burden for the CF-lung, and could be reduced by wearing a face mask if there are no other possibilities.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Helmut Ellemunter