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Miglustat and VX-809


What are the news regarding Miglustat ...Are you aware of new trials ?
On the other hand, when will the results of the study on VX-809 be availbale ?
Regarding Miglustat, two phase II trials, conducted by the pharmaceutical company Actelion (Headquarters: Switzerland) took place first in Spain then in Belgium. Unfortunately the results of these tests were not conclusive.
You can find information in French by clicking on this link:

A new phase II trial conducted only in France should be released in 2011.

About VX-809, the results of the Phase II clinical trial which took place in the United States are being analyzed.
You can find information in English on this site:

A phase II trial with VX-809 alone and in combination with VX-770 in patients with cystic fibrosis and carriers of the F508del mutation (deltaF508) is underway. France does not participate in that trial as today.
You can find information in English on this site

Hope this provides some answers
Anna Ronayette