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air conditioning

Is air conditioning in airplane dangerous for my 5 months old cystic fibrosis daugther ?
It seems difficult to answer this question because there is, to our knowledge, no publication on air conditioning and cystic fibrosis in enclosed areas such as car and airplane.
We believe that the air conditioning system is regularly monitored and controlled by airlines, which significantly reduces the risk of transmission of infectious agents.
By cons, it is important to have the agreement of the doctor who is able to judge whether or not a flight is appropriate based on its duration and the health of your daughter.

Another important aspect (I copied an earlier discussion!) especially for young CF-patients is, that the air extracted from outside the plane at high altitude is extremely dry, so that the humidity inside the plane ranges from 10-20%, which can dehydrate airway secretions. Therefore, one has to make sure, that a baby gets extra fluid intake during a flight in order to avoid dehydration as far as possible.
In conclusion, air conditioning in airplanes does not present any risk for your child. Regarding other drawback for a small child or in case of significant respiratory impairment, it is advisable to discuss with your CF team.
Yann Kerneur