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Water softener

We have big problem with limestone. We wish to install a water softener in our house. Is there a problem with respect to Cystic fibrosis and P. aeruginosa ? If yes, are there any specific recommendations and technical choices better than others?
Treatment of limestone is mostly comfort. Limestone is composed of calcium and magnesium and deposits as scale in pipes and appliances, but are in no way detrimental to health. Water softeners are devices that allow you to change hard water into soft water through a resin which will retain the calcium and magnesium ions at the origin of limestone. This same resin will replace these calcium ions by sodium ions. The main instrument of its resin softener is called "ion exchanger". Cyclically, the resin is regenerated: the softener recharges the resin salt, calcium and magnesium are well flushed down the drain.
Whether in hospital or at home for patients with cystic fibrosis, systems with water softeners, or ion exchange resins, are not recommended because they promote bacterial overgrowth. Plumbing systems should be able to be dismantled and cleaned. This is what is recommended by experts in our recommendations for hygiene, to prevent acquisition of respiratory bacteria in cystic fibrosis. (see page 7)

I also recommend reading these two documents, which detail more fully the interests and risks of water softeners.

Hope that answers your question
Dr. Sophie Ravilly