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We would like to camp with our grand son next August. Could he sleep in a tent - he is 4 years old -, is this not too risky?
Sleeping under a tent bears no particular danger for a 4 years old child with cystic fibrosis, provided that it is in a region neither too cold nor too wet. Particular attention should be paid to sanitary facilities if you go to a campsite.
Like any journey, a preliminary organization is required to provide management and storage of drugs and other potential care (physiotherapy, nebulisation). Some medications must be kept cool (Pulmozyme = rhDNase), and pancreatic enzymes resent a temperature above 30 degrees.
"Camps " are not recommended when they include several children or patients with cystic fibrosis together because of the risk of cross infection, which will not be your case.

Let us also recall the need to prevent the risk of dehydration with additional intake of salt and water adapted to weather conditions and activity levels often increase during the holidays.

I wish you and your grand son happy holidays,

Dr Sophie Ravilly