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Risks associated with electric diffuser of insecticides

Hello, We are in an area where the tiger mosquito is present.
Can we use electrical commercial insecticides in the presence of my daughter who is 6 months old? Is it dangerous?
While the use of electric diffuser of insecticides is widespread, we have not found in the literature any documented study emphasizing the risks for cystic fibrosis patients.
By analogy to what is observed in asthma, we can consider that insecticide sprays and spirals are likely to increase bronchial hyperreactivity (cough, wheezing ..) in some children. They are to be used with caution at home if the child has bronchospastic manifestations. Similarly, electric diffuser insecticides, containing pyrethrinoide, may be poorly tolerated by asthmatics.
In contrast, concerning children without bronchial hyperreactivity, there are no arguments to restrict the use of electric diffuser of insecticides, including young children with cystic fibrosis.
In any case, one should of course respect the right conditions for using these devices: put out of reach of children, wash your hands after handling, ventilate the room daily, and remain vigilant in case of coughing during use.
Some control measures against mosquitoes are also important, including net use and the removal of tanks (stagnant water).
Best regards,
Dr Michèle Gérardin
