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Since four months, my lungs crackle with respiration. I realize antibiotics and lungs still crackle as much. What is the reason? Sometimes, I feel air do not get through certain places and I am out of breath despite saturation at 94 or 95%. I present tachycardia: at rest, my heart frequency is at 140. I realize heart examination. My saturation do not get down. Why do lungs crackle? Are bronchi too closed or it is secretion or ?
Have you got a solution to reduce crackle, because I’m fed up.
Thank you
Dear questioner

Crackles probably come from secretions inside your bronchi dilations in relation with cystic fibrosis. You probably need more bronchial drainage with favor for soft technique to go deep. A technique like autogenic drainage which is more longer but more efficient and less tiring could be considered if you do not already use it. I advise you speak about this problem with your doctor and your physical therapist.

About your tachycardia, it is necessary to see if your heart is regular or if there is arrhythmia. If the rhythm is regular (sinusal), it is a normal reaction of adaptation to respiratory failure and it should be better to respect this high frequency without looking for reduce the rhythm, because this reduction could increase your shortness of breath. In this case, effort training should be good. Of course, the situation is different if there is arrhythmia which should be treated. I still advise you to speak about this problem with your doctor.

Sincerely yours

Dr Isabelle Danner-Boucher