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Sanitation of the surroundings in case of MRSA

Is there any informational material (beyond the recommendation "disinfection of hands, clothes, bedclothes and daily washing of towels") for paretns of little children, e.g. in the form of check lists, how they can sanitate the home sourroundings after occurrence of MRSA in order to avoid a reinfection? I think there are pacifiers, tooth brushes, cuddly toys, doorhandles etc. to take into account and probably other things one does not think about as a lay person. Our CF center has nothing to contribute here. Thanks!

we have forwarded your question to Dr. med. Christian Brandt, the head of the department of hospital hygiene, institute for medical microbiology and hospital hygiene at the university hospital of Frankfurt, Germany. Here is his answer:

"In case of decolonization of MRSA the germ should not only be treated on/at the body of the human being but in order to avoid recontamination ("ping-pong effect") also in his surroundings. In here it is most important to think of the especially relevant possible reservoirs of MRSA:

1) other human beings should also be investigated (especially in case they have an increased risk of MRSA themselves, like e.g. open legs, exfoliative skin diseases)
2) also pets can be MRSA-carriers, probably contact the veterinarian (however, decolonization of animals is very difficult)
3) the closer the contact to certain things is, the more important is their disinfection: clothes, bedclothes including pillows/inner quilts, cuddly toys are to wash at 60°C

Tooths brushes, combs, cosmetic products, ointments, tubes where appropriate have to be exchanged.
It is wihtout doubt, that during the decolonizing measures very strict cleanness has to be maintained.

If beyond this furhter decolonizing measures are necessary is discussed controversially: carpets, uphlostered furniture are a potential MRSA reservoirs. If this is really relevant remains speculative. Most likely furniture, carpets on which the child plays/lies. Probably a rigorous cleaning is sufficient, for a professional disinfection a disinfector has to be commissioned.

I would not recommend a gazing with formalin of the entire appartment as an ultimative disinfection measure, as I do not consider this necessary.
Dr. med. Christian Brandt"
