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Outdoor swimming pool


our daughter (16 months old and CF patient in a stable health condition) loves water and taking a bath.

Since the diagnosis has been made, we have not visited an indoor-/outdoor swimming pool because of the possible danger of Pseudomonas. We would not go to bathing lakes as well as indoor swimming pools with her in the future, either. In contrast, we are open against the bathing in the sea and already two holidays on the sea shore were unproblematic.

What do you think about visiting an outdoor swimming pool with your experience? In this case it would deal only about the sole bathing. Showers and sanitary devices would be tabu. I assume that a big pool would be more recommendable as a children's pool.

We are aware of the fact that we have to take the decision ourselves, but probably you could help us with the estimation of the risk?

Many thanks for your efforts!

the occurence of Pseudmonas aeruginosa in public swimming pools, showers, as well as sanitary devices is known. This is a possible source of transmission. The avoidance of indoor-/outdoor swimming pools is therefore a measure of caution. Especially children's pools and stagnant water can contain Pseudomonas on hot days. The density of Pseudomonas also depends on factors like number of visitors, the proximity of the pool to the vegetation and earth, on the cleanness condition of the pool environment or on the existance of (inflatable) plastic material in the pool.

The most important question is how good and effective the pool is maintained. This is especially the case for highly frequented children's pools which have only a small depth and higher temperatures. In an article published 2005 in the Journal of Cystic Fibrosis it is not advised against the usage of well-maintained pools, as the content of Pseudmonas in the investigated public pools was small.

Hygienic recommendation are formulated by the CF-centers very differently in their degree of strictness.
According to my personal experience I would avoid outdoor swimming pools at the age of your child and would rather look forward to a holiday on the sea shore.

Yours sincerely,

1. G. Döring et al. / Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 3 (2004) 67–91
2. J Barben et al / Jornal of cystic Fibrosis 4 (2005) 227-231