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Lack of hormones in case of CF

Dear expert team,
is there already any knowledge/experience with female CF patients older than 35. years concerning the production of hormones resp. a lack of hormones, which is caused by the lacking or impaired function of glands in case of CF?
Many thanks for your effort,
Yours sincerely,
Dear questioner,
until now there is no knowledge if the CF itself can foster a lack of hormones. Solely due to a probably existent under-weight it can come to an amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) with therefore lower levels of estrogen. As long as the menstruation is regular, one has to assume a normal hormone level. In case the "pill" is taken, the hormones of the body are suppressed, however given by the pill, so that there is no lack of hormones.
In case you have further question on your specific situation, you are very welcome to contact me again.

Dr. Anja-Undine Stücker