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Our 11 years old son is principally chronically colonized with Achromobacter xylosoxidans (and also with Staphylococus Aureus controlled with daily Floxapen) and intermittently with 2 other Achromobacter….
We are surprised that he receives only Colistin aerosol therapy against this Achromobacter. Is it enough with 2 per day ?
What can you tell us about this bacterium? Is it aggressive? Can it stays during several years or does it evolve very fast?
We thank you in advance for your answer and for your website where we can ask questions that concern us.
The frequency of chronic infection with Achromobacter xylosoxidans in cystic fibrosis is increasing. The pathogenic role of this often multiresistant bacteria is still unclear. As such, it is difficult to answer straightforward to your question “is it aggressive”: it should not be neutral but it may not have a very aggressive impact, compared to some other bacteria. For the second part of your question: yes, it could stay several years in the respiratory tract of the patients and may be difficult to eradicate but the colonization can also be only transient.
As it is often resistant to several antibiotics, and as its pathogenic role is unclear, there is no actual consensus for the treatment. Its resistance to colistin is variable in different studies. If your son feels well with this treatment, you should pursue it (2 aerosols per day is the recommended dosage).
I hope to have answer to your questions. Best wishes,
Harriet Corvol
There is further information on this under Topics--> microbiology--> Alcaligenes / Achromobacter xylosoxidans (link:[showitem]=36&tx_expertadvice_pi1[search]=).
D. d'Alquen