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Vitamin K

I am looking for a solution to help my daughter and facilitate the intake of vitamin K1. A capsule form would be ideal but I can not find a lab that does it. Can you help me? Thank you

Vitamin K1 does not taste good and your daughter is not alone in having difficulty to take it in its current form. The manufacture of vitamin K1 in tablet form was stopped in 2003 in France and will not be repeated in this form. For the oral forms, the firm recommends to mix it with a sip of water or sugar water to reduce bitterness and consume immediately after dilution (Never mix it with fruit juice). I hope this tip will help your daughter and facilitate the intake of vitamin K.

Some patients ask for intravenous treatment of vitamin K, at the time of the intravenous antibiotic treatments.

Best regards
Marythé Kerbrat