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CF dentist

Does anyone know a dentist in the region of Hannover, Germany, who is specialized in CF patients?
Dear questioner,
we gave your question to PD Dr. Thomas Köhnlein from the medical school of medicine, Hannover and put the information he gave in the following answer:

4 years ago we were discussing this problem and came to the conclusion, that our patients in Hannover, Germany, were all very content with their dentists, so that there was no pressure to have a common CF-dentist. The background of these thoughts is the question of hygiene in the dentist's office and the risk for a Pseudomonas-free patient to acquire such a germ from the water of the dental treatment chair. According to the standards of the scientific association of dentists, the provided hygienic measures are sufficient also for the treatment of CF patients. However, the question on the regular disinfection and rinsing of the water system is worth it. The way the dentist reacts on this alone shows very quickly, the way he handles a responsible patient. Then one knows also, if one wants to go there in the confidence on good and ascertained hygiene.

PD Dr. Thomas Köhnlein
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner
