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Uncertainty about intake of pancreatic enzymes

In Holland we seem to have some uncertainty about the intake of pancreatic enzymes. One doctors says ½ hour before the meal, the other says 10 minutes and then another one says just directly before you eat. Maybe it differs from person to person, and how do you know when you should take it? What are signals to take it early or later? Has any testing been done? Could you please answer us?
Best regards,
Dear J.,

Only one study reported on the timing of the intake of pancreatic enzymes. This was done in adults with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency secondary to pancreatitis. This study demonstrated that pancreatic enzymes were most efficient when taken during the meal or even immediately after the meal. (Dominguez-Munoz JE 2005) Practically I would suggest the following: 1) if you take several capsules of pancreatic enzymes during the course of a meal, you should divide them over the meal. Some prior, some during, and the rest after the last bite. If, for a snack, you only use 1 pancreatic enzyme you take this together with the snack. But the most important rule is not to forget to take a sufficient amount of pancreatic enzymes with meals and snacks. And as you know the dose of enzymes needed is mainly determined by the fat content of the meal.

Best regards,

Dr Bruno Hauser and Karin Delanghe