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Metagenome, type of intestinal flora and cystic fibrosis


Are there currently studies or research on the intestinal flora in patients with cystic fibrosis (impact of meconium ileus & of pancreatic insufficiency on the flora, one of three intestinal groups more present or not etc ...)?

I refer to the project MetaHIT (Metagenomics of Human Intestinal Tract) initiated in 2008.

Thinking that the intestinal flora which is responsible, ultimately, of assimilation (and thus activity) of many drug molecules, just as it does for certain foods or vitamins I can say that by the knowledge of "intestinal group" of the patient could adjust its medical treatment, give nutritional advice tailored with the aim to maintain the best possible BMI

thank you in advance for your response
the European project MetaHIT launched in 2008 aims to study the genome of the intestinal flora. The article published in Nature in March 2011 proposed a classification into three "entérotypes," according to the type of bacteria present and their abundance. This attempt of classification of the intestinal flora is still very preliminary, and will continue.
It is therefore premature to deduce the practical implications.
Recent studies have examined the microbiome of the airways in cystic fibrosis by age. However, there are no cohort studies of the intestinal flora of patients, although some teams are beginning to work on this subject.
But this should not prevent us to adapt and customize the treatment and counseling, to maintain a good nutritional status regardless of age.
Dr. Michele Gerardin