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Air conditioning and CF

When I start using the air conditiong at home my child has an exarcebation of pseudomonas? Is it a random coincidence? What other factor may play a role?
The technician disinfected the unit. How can I avoid pseudomonas in general?
Dear friend,
The air conditioning units are not related to the presentation of pseudomonas in children who are not colonized with pseudomonas, at least it is highly unliklely. There is no data about that issue, but air-conditioning does not seem to be a problem for CF patients until filters of the device are changed according to the instructions.
One way to prevent the presentation of pseudomonas is to avoid stagnant waters, inside the house, as well as outside (e.g. in the yard).
Yours friendly,
Dr. Stavros Doudounakis
Please see further information on that under Topics--> air improving devices.
D. d'Alquen