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Playing the trumpet with CF

Dear expert team,

Our son (8 1/2 years old, CF) is interested in playing the trumpet. Is this beneficial with CF or rather counterproductive, since possibly the pressure is too high fort he CF lung?

Thanks for any information!

It is recommendable for children with CF to play an instrument. Playing wind instruments can train the respiratory muscles and, as is known, also support a child’s physical and psychological development. Depending on the instrument, different pressures are generated in the respiratory tracts; therefore one has to keep in mind a potential existing hyperinflation of the lungs. You should therefore know whether your son has areas of hyperinflation that are visible in the imaging; if so, wind instruments with less resistance that require lower air pressure and are easier to blow would be more suitable, as you rightly suspect in your question. One such instrument is the tuba and the clarinet; however the oboe and trumpet are harder to blow. A music school can provide competent information on this and help you choose an instrument that is easy to blow. To check your son’s lungs for hyperinflation, please contact your treating CF facility.

Kind regards,
Dr. Helmut Ellemunter.