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sweat test for cystic fibrosis

I am 21 years old and over time I had repeated respiratory infections and pancreas problems (pancreatitis a few years ago I had). But now I'm the worst, I am having respiratory secretions in the throat and I think that I might have cystic fibrosis. I would like to know where I could make a sweat test in Bucharest. Thanks
You can do a sweat test in the following locations in Bucharest: I.O.M.C. "Alfred Rusescu"-Dr. Stan Iustina , tel: 021 2423368 , Spitalul de Urgenţă pentru Copii "Gr. Alexandrescu" , Dr. Moşescu Simona, tel: 021 2129366 , Spitalul de Copii "Marie Curie" Dr. Coltan Mihaela, tel021 4604260 . You can contact any of the doctors mentioned above.
In Bucharest, the pulmonologist specialized in cystic fibrosis is Dr.Popa Christian, who can be found at the Institute of Pneumology "Marius Nasta" 0213356910 / int. 43.
I hope my answer was useful, please let us know if we could help you with other issues.
Sincerely yours,
Prof.Dr.Liviu Pop