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could Pulmozyme® be prescribed by the family doctor?

I am from Constanta and I get the prescription for Pulmozyme® from my pulmonologist; for this I have to bring every month to the specialist the consultation form (from family doctor), certificate of employee from my place of work and the evidence that the employer paid the insurance fees. I have one monthly admission, although I am not staying in hospital, and I receive than the prescription and get the Pulmozyme. My question is: is there a legal framework for Pulmozyme® could be prescribed by my family doctor? Thanks
The Pulmozyme® recipe may be prescribed by your family doctor only based on the medical letter from your specialized doctor in cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) ; in each center there is a doctor specialized in cystic fibrosis and accepted by the Health Insurance Centre, who could prescribe Pulmozyme® and recommend it by a medical letter prescription. The letter is valid for 3 months, but in most specialized centers, patients are called monthly for specific evaluation and for early diagnosis of complications and eshtabliment of appropriate treatment.
Thank you for the question, I conclude wishing you good health,
Prof Dr Liviu Pop

Recipe may be prescribed by your family only on a medical letter from your doctor in cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) in each center there is a doctor specializing recognize it by the Health Insurance House, which could prescribe Pulmozyme and recommended by letter Pulmozyme's medical prescription. The letter is valid for 3 months, but in most specialized centers, patients are called monthly for specific evaluation for early diagnosis of complications and appropriate treatment instituitea.
Thank you for the question and conclude wishing you good health,
Prof Dr Liviu Pop

Recipe may be prescribed by your family only on a medical letter from your doctor in cystic fibrosis (mucoviscidosis) in each center there is a doctor specializing recognize it by the Health Insurance House, which could prescribe Pulmozyme and recommended by letter Pulmozyme's medical prescription. The letter is valid for 3 months, but in most specialized centers, patients are called monthly for specific evaluation for early diagnosis of complications and appropriate treatment instituitea.
Thank you for the question and conclude wishing you good health,
Prof Dr Liviu Pop
