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CF Patient´s Weight

Is it possible for me to have fat transplanted into my body? I´m a CF patient with stable weight. When asked, doctors tell me that they don´t have any information about this type of transplantation. The reason for my question is that it´s really annoying that my body has no fat reserves and I get very cold in water quickly. Thank you for your answer to a question that is probably superfluous to everbody else.

Your question is by no means superfluous. For many CF patients, including you, it bears great importance. Most people are usually interested in removing fat or transferring it from one body part to another at most (e.g.from stomach to hollow cheeks). No information about fat transplantation can be found in specialised literature. CF patients would need extensive fat replenishment, however, contemporary medicine is unable to accomplish that. I have passed your question on to international CF experts and I will post their opinion here as soon as I obtain it.

You need to check your diet and keep in mind that you need to eat highly caloric food frequently. If you also have diabetes, you need to adjust your insulin therapy regularly.
Dr. J. Brávzová