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Operation with general anaesthesia

Dear expert team,
due to a mammographically and histologically verified finding, a diagnostic removal of the total focus is planned in general anaesthesia.
I am a CF patient at adult age (over 40), take Azithromycin as long-term therapy, in case of acute infections additional antibiotic therapies.
What do I as a CF patient have to take into account at such an operation in general anaesthesia resp. what do I have to talk about with the anaesthetist?
Hello S.
In case of the finding that you describe, the recommendation to remove the focus in general anaesthesia is for sure right. The capability of anaesthesia depends from the pulmonary standpoint on the general condition and on the so-called respiratory situation of the patient which is described by the lung function and the blood gases. Also the running drug therapy has to be taken into account.
We unfortunately do not have any information on your lung function and blood gas results, so we cannot make a statement from afar. In general it can be said however, that the better the lung function and blood gas analysis are, the less problematic is the performance of a general anaesthesia. The intake of Azithromycin should not have a negative influence on the performance, effect and post-effects of the anaesthesia. The respiratory parameters are always taken into account at the performance of the anaesthesia, in case of uncertainty, a pulmonologist is consulted. You should show you latest lung function results and blood gas analysis results to your anaesthetist, mention your diagnose of CF and point out that in your case a quick mobilization and bronchial drainage is necessary after the anaesthesia. In case you are colonized with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, we would probably recommend also an intravenous anti-Pseudomonas aeruginosa therapy after the operation. Please also talk about this with your CF physician in charge.
For the coming operation we wish you good success and after that good health.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Christina Smaczny