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Furniture of the treatment room

We would like to make our physiotherapeutic section more suitable for CF patients. What do we have to take into account and where do I find information about his? How many rooms do we need?
Many thanks!
Dear collegues,
besides the legal requirements on the configuration of treatment rooms, which clearly regulate the approval of physiotherapeutic offices in Germany concerning size and equipment, for the therapy of CF-patients the question of hygiene has imperatively to be taken into account.
It is regarded as standard that besides a single-treatment Pseudomonas-positive and Pseudomonas–negative patients have to be separated spatially and temporally, that means, at least 2 rooms are needed.
These should be equipped with a floor that is easy to clean, carpets are not advisable. All therapeutic materials used should be easily disinfectable, ribbed gymnastic mats, which are often used, are not favourable. The sinks, if there are some in the rooms, should be equipped with soap dispensers and hand disinfection solution. Single-use towels are taken for granted.
Toys in the waiting area should be abandonned.
It has to be taken into account, that patients with problematic germs such as Burkholderia cepacia or MRSA should not be treated in common rooms. Collegues in the office have to do a home visit, in hospital a treatment is done in the room under consideration of the internal rules of the hospital.
It is advisable to treat patients with multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa at the end of the day.
[Comment from ECORN: the following two sources of recommendations in German for German physiotherapeutic offices have been left out].
I hope that I could help you further.
Yours sincerely,
B. Dittmar