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7% NaCl


Many studies about the effectiveness of hypertonic saline were conducted with 7% NaCl solution.
MucoClear® is, however, a 6% solution. How can I get a 7% solution?

(P.S.: if the solution has to be mixed: what exactly should the prescription say?)

Many greetings


It is true that some publications are based on the use of 7% NaCl solution. However, there is no mandatory reason to actually use 7% solution. Numerous patients react with bronchial constriction the higher the NaCl concentration is. Therefore, it can be said in good conscience that a 6% solution is usually sufficiently effective. For producing a 7% solution it would be necessary to ask a pharmacist, since NaCl solutions with a higher concentration (10% and 20%) should only be used for mixing by professionals. The pharmacist has bigger units of 10% and 0,9% NaCl solution and could prepare sterile ampoules of 7% NaCl solution.
This is very expensive, though, and thus not justifiable since it can be said with quite likely that a 6% solution has the same effectiveness.
However, if you necessarily would like to make a treatment attempt with 7% solution you should ask your pharmacist which units should be mentioned on the prescription. It is important to insist on a sterile preparation (filling). Possibly, the costs for preparing a 7% solution will not be covered by the health insurance company.

Best regards,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt
Since june 2012 a 7% NaCl solution is available in Germany under the brand name "Nebusal 7% ®".
D. d'Alquen