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Further question about 7% NaCl


Earlier, I asked a question about 7% NaCl solution since many studies are based on this concentration.
Now I read that the combination of 7% NaCl and hyaloronic acid (0,1%) can make sense.

And actually I found such a combined solution in the internet [German site], e.g. here:

Does this make sense and is it possible to get a prescription paid by a public health insurance institution [in German: Kassenrezept]?

Best regards,


The mixture of 7% NaCl solution and 0,1% hyaloronic acid is sold under the name "Hyaneb 7% NaCl + 0,1% Hyaloronsäure" by the company Pari Pharma GmbH [located in Germany]. The product is produced by an Italian company and Pari Pharma sells it on commission. The studies that analyzed the effects of this combination drug in CF patients are very limited and the tested patient cohorts relatively small. The studies show that 7% NaCl solution is much better tolerated if inhaled in combination with hyaloronic acid. Currently, the preparation is not approved in Germany and therefore the health insurance companies do not pay for the costs of a therapy with "Hyaneb 7% NaCl + 0,1% Hyaloronsäure". If you or your child has considerable side effects (nervous cough or obstruction) when inhaling with hypertonic saline solution you should talk to your CF doctor if a therapy attempt is indicated as a so called "Heilversuch" [German terminus meaning "experimental therapy"/"off-label use"].

Best regards,
Dr. H.-G. Posselt