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Keratoconjunctivitis (sicca)

Dear expert team,

I would like to ask you whether there are any treatment options concerning the above diagnosis. I.e., are CF clinics specialized on giving advice? I really suffer from this sicca syndrome (CF patient, 45 years old). I have already tried a lot of different eye drops. My ophthalmologist says one can only keep trying. Is it possible to determine which eye drops I could take?

Kind regards.

the secretion, or rather, the salt balance (mostly chloride, bicarbonate, and sodium) that is defective in CF also plays an important role in "dry eye syndrome," which is also called "sicca syndrome."

Therapy, however, is the same as with other patient groups who suffer from it. There is no CF-specific therapy. This might change if it becomes possible to correct or attenuate the defective salt excretion through appropriate drugs. Until then, one has to try and see together with an ophthalmologist what helps best. Typically, this will be synthetic tear fluid and sometimes -- though rarely in CF -- also cortisone.

Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. TOF Wagner