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Sand box

I often read that a sand box is full of bacteria. Is a sand box more dangerous to a child with CF than a child without CF?

A worried mother
Dear mother,

A sand box is not more dangerous for a child with CF than a child without CF under certain premises.
Specific hygiene measures are needed to prevent lung infection and especially cross infection between patients with cystic fybrosis should be avoided.
We especially pay attention to the bacterium Pseudomonas, a bacterium that lives in warm moist places. Therefore it is important to keep the sand dry. In case the sandbox is a large plastic container, it is advised that it has a large bore hole at the bottom, so that excess water can drain.
In case it is a large sandbox without a plastic or foil underneath, the water will drain spontaneously. Under those premises, a sand box is the prime example of a dry place and thus poses no danger.
We however want to point out that a sand box in the garden should by preference be closed when the child is not playing there. Otherwise cats go in there to defecate. The stools of cats are often infected with Toxoplasma. This germ can cause an infection that is not at all specific for patients with CF, so covering the sand box it is really a general hygienic measure.

Kind regards,
Prof. Kris de Boeck
Please find even more information in a former question:[showitem]=1229&tx_expertadvice_pi1[search]=sandbox

D. d'Alquen